Canada Goldenrod – Seed Packet
Seeds wild harvested in Northern Idaho.
ABOUT: Perennial that is native and widespread in much of North America with sprays of golden yellow blooms from Aug-Oct. Each stem has hundreds of tiny flowers that open gradually over weeks and provide crucial fuel for the Monarch migration in fall. Bees heading into hibernation and other species of butterflies, insects, and wasps also feed on the plentiful nectar and pollen.
HOW TO GROW: Direct sow seeds in late fall or early spring in a weed-free seed bed. Sprinkle seeds and lightly rake in. Alternatively, sow seeds into pots with well-draining soil and place outside in a sunny spot in January (a period of exposure to cold is required for germination). Seeds will germinate in mid to late spring. Final garden spacing: 1-2’
Note: this is the western variety of Canada Goldenrod. Taxonomy appears to be changing so it is either Solidago canadensis (the previous name) or now might be reclassified as S. lepida.